From 2019 through to March 2022, PPG was contracted to undertake fencing works on the 200km rail line connecting the Galilee Basin in central Queensland to existing infrastructure to facilitate coal exports for Galilee Basin coal mines.
From 2019 through to March 2022, PPG was contracted to undertake fencing works on the 200km rail line connecting the Galilee Basin in central Queensland to existing infrastructure to facilitate coal exports for Galilee Basin coal mines.
PPG started on the Carmichael Rail Project as a sub-sub-contractor for several large fencing contractors until March 2021, when it was approached by Martinus Rail to subcontract directly to them. In November 2021, as the project neared completion and Martinus Rail left the project, PPG stayed to contract directly with the principal company, Carmichael Rail Network Pty Ltd, trading as Bravus, finishing up work on time.
During the project, we employed up to 18 extra employees, utilised three skid steers, a 14-tonne excavator, two trucks, numerous light vehicles, a fencing trailer, augers, post drivers, air compressors and welding equipment to erect various fence situations.
Fence types included snake fence, koala fence, stock fence, steel permanent fence, and included a range of terrain, from hard rock through to sodden waterways. We also provided general earthworks such as backfilling of culverts and bridge abutments.
Throughout this considerable project, we liaised with numerous stakeholders and representatives on a daily basis. We often worked on the side of rail line, roadways, or on boundary fences to different landholders.
Significant compliance was required by the principal company on environmental and safety conditions including but not limited to daily pre-start meetings and drug and alcohol screening.